David and the Cooler Door


I was working as an Overnight Manager at a CVS pharmacy in Gladstone, Missouri when I got hurt on the job on the morning of September 24th, 2010.

Part of my job was to refill the Milk Cooler in the store each morning for the customers with milk from the backroom before I went home for the day at 6 a.m.

I was told over and over and over again to always make sure that I refilled the Milk Cooler for the customers each day before I went home each morning, even on days when I didn’t work, if the milk cooler didn’t get refilled, then I was reminded to make sure that I was refilling the milk cooler every day that I worked.

So each morning I would bring milk from the backroom and refill the milk cooler in the front of the store for the customers.

I had been doing this for about 2 1/2 years, when one morning the whole milk cooler door came completely off of the cooler and hit me in the head, knocking my head backwards and downwards.

There was blood running down my forehead where the cooler door hit me, before the cooler door hit the floor.

I was sent to the hospital emergency room that morning to get stitches put into my forehead.

After I was picked up from the hospital that morning by another employee to be taken back to CVS pharmacy to get my car to go home for the day after getting stitches put into my forehead.

There was a repair man at CVS pharmacy looking at the cooler door which came completely off of the cooler before hitting me in the head.

I asked the repair man why the cooler door came completely off the cooler, and what he told me was the bottom parts connected to the cooler which were supposed to keep the cooler door attached to the cooler were defective.

He told me because of the defective parts on the bottom, the cooler door was able to slip down and out of the upper parts which held the top of the cooler door attached to the top of the cooler, once that happened, then there was nothing keeping the top of the cooler door attached to the cooler allowing the cooler door to completely come off of the cooler and hitting me in the forehead before the cooler door hit the floor.

After I got hit in the head by the cooler door, I was complaining about terrible headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains which kept getting worse.

I remember when the cooler door hit me in the forehead knocking my head backwards and downwards, I heard bones crushing together in my body, either in my neck or my back or both, it happened so fast, I wasn’t sure where the noise of the bones crushing together was coming from.

I was sent to a work comp doctor who just walked around the outside of me, no x-rays, no MRIs, no other medical tests to determine why I was having terrible headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains which kept getting worse.

It was after about three or four visits to the work comp doctor who wasn’t doing anything to determine how badly that I got hurt on the job, even though my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains kept getting worse, when the work comp doctor said to me “I don’t know why you keep coming back to see me, I can’t do anything for you”.

The work comp doctor wasn’t even trying to find out why I was having terrible headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains which kept getting worse after I got hurt on the job, he would just walk around the outside of me, acting like nothing was wrong with me, he didn’t even care if there was any damage done to the inside of my body from my workplace injury.

It was just a few days after I got hit in the head by the cooler door, that the Store Manager at the CVS pharmacy where I got hurt on the job at, was walking around mocking me and my workplace injuries, when he saw how much pain I was in and how much I was hurting, he started walking around rubbing his back and complaining about how much his whole body hurt after working retail for over 28 years.

When my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains kept getting worse, and the work comp doctor who I was being sent to wasn’t doing anything to determine how badly that I got hurt on the job, I called the Work Comp Insurance Adjuster for CVS pharmacy, which Worked for the Insurance Company Gallagher Bassett, and asked to be sent to another doctor, she refused to send me to another doctor, even though I told her that my headaches, backaches, neck and shoulder pains continued to get worse, and that the doctor which I was being sent to wasn’t doing anything for me, she told me that I had to just keep going back to the same doctor, because she was not going to send me to another doctor for my workplace injuries.

The Work Comp Insurance Adjuster for CVS pharmacy also Yelled at me over the phone when I mentioned that I thought that I needed to see a massage therapist or chiropractor because I was in so much pain and my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains kept getting worse and the work comp doctor wasn’t doing anything for me, she acted like she didn’t care how much pain I was in after I got hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy.

I tried to go see my own personal doctor about my workplace injuries, because my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains continued to get worse, but my own personal doctor wouldn’t see me for a workplace injury.

As I continued to get worse over time, over weeks, and months, and years, I would keep calling different doctors about my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains which continued to get worse because of my workplace, but each and every time, I would hear the same thing, that no doctors would see me for a workplace injury, and of course the work comp doctor and the work comp insurance adjuster for CVS pharmacy didn’t care how badly my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains keep getting worse.

I did some research to find out more about the cooler door which came completely off of the cooler and hit me in the forehead right before it hit the floor which caused my workplace injuries, which caused my terrible headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains which kept getting worse, and what I found out was that the cooler door weighed around 75 lbs., and it was made out of three layers of thick glass contained within a metal frame, so it was like getting hit in the head by a 75 lbs. sledge hammer, it certainly felt like I had just gotten hit in the head by a sledge hammer as soon as the cooler door hit me in the head .

It was about 2 1/2 years after I got hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy, that the Assistant Manager at CVS pharmacy asked me how I was doing, and I told her that my headaches, backaches, neck, and shoulder pains were continuing to get worse, and that’s when the Assistant Manager Threaten to Cut my hours back from 40 hours a week to 32 hours a week, She told me that she was going to have to cut my hours because my bad moods was affecting all of the other employees working at CVS pharmacy.

I told the Assistant Manager that I kept getting worse and no one was doing anything to help me or determine how badly that I got hurt on the job there when that cooler door hit me in the forehead, but she didn’t care how much pain I was in, she didn’t care that I had continued to get worse for over 2 1/2 years since getting hurt on the job there at CVS pharmacy, she was going to cut my hours back from 40 hours a week to 32 hours a week because I was hurting all the time and continuing to get worse.

I had been working fulltime 40 hours a week for CVS pharmacy for over 4 1/2 years, ever since I got hired to work there, when the Assistant Manager Threaten to Cut my hours back to 32 hours a week because I was hurting all the time from my workplace injuries which happened there at CVS pharmacy.

I only worked overnights at CVS pharmacy with a few other employees, so I asked the employees who I worked with overnight at CVS pharmacy, if my bad moods because I was hurting all the time was affecting their work, they each told me no, they told me that they liked working with me overnights and they understood that I was hurting all the time because of my workplace injuries.

So CVS pharmacy decided to Punish Me by Threatening to Cut my hours back from 40 hours a week to 32 hours, because I was hurting all the time and kept getting worse because I couldn’t get any medical care for my workplace injuries after I got hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy doing what CVS pharmacy told me to do, because No One Cared How Badly I got Hurt on the Job at CVS pharmacy, CVS pharmacy Didn’t Care, the Work Comp Insurance Company Gallagher Bassett Didn’t Care How Badly I Got Hurt on the Job, and the Work Comp Doctor Didn’t Care, No One Care How Badly I got hurt on the job, and No One Cared if I ever was able to get Medical Care for My Workplace Injuries Which Happened at CVS pharmacy.

So I talked to the District Manager for CVS pharmacy about my workplace injuries which kept getting worse because I couldn’t get any medical care for my workplace injuries, and What he told me was that “I Just Need to Learn to Deal with my Workplace Injuries without Medical Care because that’s How Work Comp Works!”

That was the Answer from the District Manager of CVS pharmacy, I Just Need To Learn To Deal With My Workplace Injuries Without Medical Care for my Workplace Injuries Which Happen at CVS pharmacy.

So then I Wrote Letters to the President and CEO of CVS pharmacy and Each One of the Board of Directors about my workplace injuries, and how I continued to get worse from my workplace injuries because I couldn’t get medical care for my workplace injuries.

I was hoping that maybe the President and CEO of CVS pharmacy and the Board of Directors would care about me and my workplace injuries after I got hurt on the job there at CVS pharmacy, but I guess I was wrong, because even they didn’t care how badly I got hurt on the job, and didn’t care if I ever got medical care for my workplace injuries.

So I ended up Quitting CVS pharmacy after working for them for over 4 1/2 years, 2 1/2 years after getting hurt on the job there, because No One at CVS pharmacy Cared How Badly I Got Hurt on the Job there at CVS pharmacy, No One Cared if I ever receive any medical care for my workplace injuries after getting hurt on the job there at CVS pharmacy, and No One Cared if I kept getting worse from my workplace injuries.

After being Mocked by the Store Manager, having my Hours Threatened to be Cut by the Assistant Manager, having the District Manager for CVS pharmacy tell Me that I Just Needed to Learn to Deal with My Workplace Injuries Without Medical Care, and Then having my Workplace Injuries Being Ignored by the President and CEO of CVS pharmacy and all of the Board of Directors, while I continue to get worse from my workplace injuries, I had enough, I couldn’t work for CVS pharmacy any longer.

So after I quit CVS pharmacy, I had to continue to work and pay bills and provide for my family.

After I left CVS pharmacy, it didn’t matter where I worked, there were always Bosses or Managers Getting Mad at me because I was moving too slow, because I was hurting all the time from my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy.

One of my Bosses told me to time out and go home early because I was moving too slowly.

It was very hard to continue to work and pay bills and provide for my family, as my body continued to get worse from my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy, since I wasn’t able to receive any medical care for my workplace injuries.

Of Couse I continued to get worse year after year from my workplace injuries, since I never could get medical care for my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy.

It was in 2017, Seven years after I got hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy, that the Weakness and Pain in both my arms, hands and fingers had gotten so bad that I Couldn’t Hardly Open Doors Anymore or Put on a Seatbelt.

The Pain and Weakness in Both My Arms, Hands, and Fingers had gotten so bad, that I felt like I wanted to cut off both my arms, that’s how bad the pain and weakness had gotten.

So I went to see a doctor about the pain and weakness in my arms, hands, and fingers, and after medical tests were done, the problems which I was having was tracked back to both my shoulders.

So I ended up having Both Right Shoulder Surgery and then Left Shoulder Surgery about Three Months later, both in 2017, Seven Years after getting Hurt on the Job at CVS pharmacy.

The Surgeon found Tears in Both my Shoulders which had to be repair, which I had been Living With for Seven Years after getting hurt on the Job at CVS pharmacy, because No One Cared that one of the things which I was Complaining about after getting hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy seven years earlier was Terrible Shoulder Pains which kept getting Worse.

It was in 2019, Nine years after getting hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy, that I had to have low back surgery, because of Extreme Pain Shooting Up and Down My Right Leg.

The Pain Shooting through my right leg was getting so bad, that I felt like I wanted to cut my leg off, that’s how bad the pain was.

The Surgeon found a Bone Spur in my Lower Back hitting the nerves causing the extreme pain shooting up and down my right leg.

Nine Years earlier, one of the things which I was complaining about after getting hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy, was terrible back pains which kept getting worse, but no one cared how badly I got hurt at CVS pharmacy, or if I would ever be able to get medical care for my workplace injuries.

Then after having Low Back Surgery for the Bone Spur in my lower back, I also had to have neck surgery later that same year in 2019.

The Pain and Weakness in both my Hands and All my Fingers were getting so bad that I couldn’t hardly move my fingers on either hand anymore.

I had to have neck surgery for the pinched nerves in my neck which was causing the weakness and pain in my hands and fingers.

Nine Years earlier, after getting hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy, One of the things which I was complaining about was terrible neck pains which kept getting worst, but no one cared.

Then in 2021, Eleven Years after getting Hurt on the Job at CVS pharmacy, I had to have a second low back surgery for the Ruptured Disc in my lower back when the pain in my back and weakness in my legs got so bad that I couldn’t hardly walk anymore or walk up and down steps.

After I got hurt on the Job at CVS pharmacy in 2010, every day, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, my whole body felt like it was being punched and hit and thrown to the ground and kicked, over and over and over again, since I was Being Denied and Refused Medical Care for my Workplace Injuries which Happened at CVS pharmacy.

So I can understand Why So Many People in The United States have Overdosed and Died from Prescription Pain Killers.

The CDC of the United States says that Nearly 841,000 people have Died since 1999 from drug overdose.

It’s No Wonder why So Many people in the United States continue to Overdose and Die from Prescription Pain Killers, as long as Companies Like CVS pharmacy don’t care about their employees after they get hurt on the job, and don’t care how much pain they are in from their workplace injuries, and don’t care if they ever get medical care for their workplace injuries, and as long as Work Comp Insurance Companies Like Gallagher Bassett Don’t Care About Injured Workers in the United States, more and more and more people will continue to Overdose and Die from Prescription Pain Killers, because they are Being Denied and Refused Medical Care for Workplace Injuries.

And I can Understand Why Injured Workers Might take their own Lives, if their Pain and Suffering Continues to Get Worse and Worse Over Time Without Medical Care for their Workplace Injuries.

Companies Like CVS pharmacy and Work Comp Insurance Companies Like Gallagher Bassett Would Rather Send Injured Workers to Prison for the Rest of their Lives to be Tortured every single Day for the Rest of their Lives or even be given the Death Penalty, after They Get Hurt on the Job doing What Their Company Told Them to DO, Instead of Making Sure that they receive Medical Care for their workplace injuries!

Because an injured body without medical care for a person’s injuries can become a prison which people can’t escape for the rest of their lives, and without medical care for injuries, their own body can become a torture chamber, with people’s own body torturing them over and over and over again, and without Medical Care for Injuries, Too Many People are Being Given The Death Penalty of Drug Overdose or Ending Their Lives in Some Other Way!

After I got Hurt on the Job at CVS pharmacy in 2010, I kept going to Different Hospital Emergency Rooms because my Headaches, Backaches, Neck, and Shoulder Pains Kept Getting Worse, there were lots of times when I couldn’t even think straight or concentrate and even had trouble driving because my body kept getting worse every day!

The Hospital Emergency Rooms would always tell me the same thing, that I need to set up an appointment to see a doctor to find out what was wrong with me, and then they would kick me back out on the streets with an Expensive Hospital Bill, without ever finding out what was wrong with my body, but I already knew that no doctors would see me for a workplace injury, and the work comp doctor didn’t care how much pain I was in after I got hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy!

One time, I was at Home Alone and my body was hurting so much, that I ended up laying down on the floor, and as I lay there on the floor, my body felt like it was going into a coma, I was so scared that people were going to find my body in a coma laying on the floor, that I ended up calling 911, and then an ambulance came and got me and took me to the hospital emergency room!

I was told the same thing from the hospital that I needed to set up an appointment with a doctor to find out what was wrong with me, but I already knew that no doctors would see me for a workplace injury, so no new answers, just an expensive ambulance bill and more expensive hospital bills.

And then one time I was driving and getting just incredible powerful leg cramps, that I had to pull over into a parking lot and get out of the truck which I was driving at the time and try stretching or shaking my legs which sometimes would help as I would continue to get worse and worse leg cramps after getting hurt on the job at CVS pharmacy.

But this one time my leg cramps were so bad and so painful, that stretching and shaking my legs didn’t help, my leg cramps were so bad that I ended up laying down on the ground next to my pickup truck, and then I couldn’t get back up because the pain in my whole body and my leg cramps were so bad, that I ended up calling 911 again and ended up with another expensive ambulance and Hospital bill, with no new answers to what was wrong with my body.

I still live with headaches, back pains, neck, and shoulder pains every day because of my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy, but I am doing a whole lot better since getting the surgeries which I needed for my workplace injuries which were ignored by CVS pharmacy and their work comp insurance company Gallagher Bassett, and the work comp doctor who I was sent to for my workplace injuries, at least I don’t feel like cutting off any of my body parts now, I am not in that much pain.

I have trouble holding my daughter for very long because of my workplace injuries.

I think that I have permanent nerve damage which I am going to have to live with for the rest of my life, since my workplace injuries were ignored.

I haven’t slept good for over ten years now because of my workplace injuries.

I have trouble staying awake during the daytime, because I am tired all the time because of not being able to sleep very well.

I have trouble getting out of bed after laying down because I still have back pains.

I think that I have over $50,000 in Medical Bills now because of my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy and my workplace injuries being ignored.

I haven’t been able to afford to travel to the Philippines for three years now to be with my wife and daughter because of all of my medical bills.

And because I still have neck and back pains which sometimes gets worse, and I still get pains in my fingers sometimes, I might still need more surgeries in the future for my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy, which will cause me to having even more medical bills which I have trouble paying, because of my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy.

I am still very limited on where I can work or what jobs I can do or how much money I’m able to earn because of my workplace injuries and moving too slow sometimes.

I get very little enjoyment out of life anymore after having to live with my workplace injuries for so long, living with pain every day that continued to get worse because my workplace injuries were ignored.

It’s been very hard for me to keep providing for my wife and daughter, and paying for my daughter’s schooling, because of all my medicals bills, because of my workplace injuries which were ignored by CVS pharmacy and their Work Comp Insurance Company Gallagher Bassett.

There have been days when I have went without eating anything because I didn’t have any money, because of Too Many Medicals Bills keeping my Checking Account Too Low or Empty, and Too Many Times My Bank has Charged Me Extra Money because I didn’t have enough money in my checking account to cover all of my medical bills which would put my checking account into the Negative.

And Too Many Times, that I had very little money for gas for my car, because of all of my medical bills.

Too Many Times that I couldn’t Afford Car Repairs, because of all of my Medical Bills, so I had to drive around in the cold winter time without any heat in my car, and in the hot summer time with no air conditioning, driving around with leaking oil, power steering fluid, antifreeze, or brake fluid, because I couldn’t afford car repairs because of Too Many medical bills.

And I hate to Admit to the Truth, but there were times when I was driving a car around with bad breaks and I couldn’t hardly stop at Stop Signs or Stop Lights, Very Unsafe for me and Other Drivers on the Roads, but that’s part of the Reality that people have to Live with when they have too many medical bills because of a workplace injury being ignored.

My Credit Score has also been Destroyed Because of All My Medical Bills which I have trouble paying because of my Workplace Injuries.

One time I needed a new car, because the car which I was driving was having too many problems and needed too many repairs, but I couldn’t get a car loan, not even for a cheap used car, because of Credit Score being Destroyed, but I couldn’t even afford to make monthly payments on a car loan, even if I could get a car loan, not with I think over $50,000 in medical bills now because of my workplace injuries which happened at CVS pharmacy.

That’s My Story of what my life has become because of my workplace injuries being ignored by CVS pharmacy, their Work Comp Insurance Company Gallagher Bassett, and the Work Comp Doctor who I was being sent to for my Workplace Injuries!

Workplace Injuries Don’t Just Affect a Person’s Ability to Work, but often times also affect a person’s life and being able to continue living and surviving outside of work.

This is Me, my Wife, and Daughter.


Me, My Wife, and Daughter

Spending Time at my Wife’s Family House in the Philippines with her family and some of the children living in the area, before my daughter was born.

My Wife and I spending the day at the beach near her mom’s house with family members, this was before our daughter was born.

My Wife and I holding her Nephew and Niece in the Philippines before our daughter was born.

My Wife and I spending some time together in the Philippines, this is still before our daughter was born.

Our Daughter was Born on September 21st, 2014, her six year old cousin was so happy that she finally arrived, he said that she was the prettiest baby in the whole world.

My Wife and her family taking our daughter to Church for the very first time.

Our Daughter Dedication Picture One Year after She Was Born.

My Wife and Daughter


My Daughter’s Cousins Loved Spending time her.

My Baby Girl Loved Going Out to Restaurants to eat.

My Cute Adorable Baby Girl Loves playing with her Mama’s Shoes

My Daughter and her Cousin playing with Toy Glasses.

I have Really Smart Little Girl, She knows the Correct Way to Wear Eye Glasses.

My Little Girl With her Grandma at the Hospital.

We found out when my daughter was about 1 1/2 years old, that she had a hole in a vein on the outside of her heart which was leaking blood that she needed surgery for.

Eating Lunch with My Wife and Daughter, and two of my Daughter’s Cousins in the Philippines.

One of the things which I really enjoyed doing was to Ship Toys (Play Balls and Stuffed Animals) over to the Philippines, and then my Wife would tell all of the Children living near her mom’s house to come over, and then me and my wife would hand out toys to all of the children, lots of the children didn’t have toys of their own to play with, because their families couldn’t afford to buy toys for their children.

I haven’t been able to afford to do that for years now, because of all of my mostly medical bills because of my workplace injuries.

My Daughter Looking Around to Make Sure that No One is Watching Her Try to Steal a Christmas Ornament off of the Christmas Tree at Church.

My Very Happy Little Girl Having Fun Playing with other children.

My Daughter Always Tries to Make Sure that She’s in the pictures, that’s my wife and I on the left side of the tree, and the rest of my Daughter’s Philippines Family and some friends who came along for a Family Vacation.

I believe that God has a Special Purpose Planned for my daughter someday, and I believe that God Choose me and my wife to be her Father and Mother, but I also Believe that God choose all of her Philippines Family to Help Raise her, her wonder grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins in the Philippines.

My daughter has always been such a happy child from birth, because I think it has a lot to do with her growing up with so much love and attention from so many of those around her.

I Wish that All Children could get all the Love and Attention growing up as my daughter.

At One Time, the Second Leading Cause of Death Among Children in the United States of a Certain Age was Suicide.

My Daughter Working on a Puzzle.


My Daughter will make a wonderful mother someday, because she Loves babies and they Love her.

Holding my Daughter when she met me at the Airport when I arrived in the Philippines to help celebrate her 4th birthday, right before she turned four years old.

But I could Only Hold My Daughter for a very short time because of my workplace injuries and my body hurting too much from holding her.

Of course my wife and some of my wife’s family came to the airport with my daughter, since they believe she is still too young to come meet her daddy on her own.

My Little Philippines Princess at Church on Easter Sunday

Everyone at My Daughter’s Church in the Philippines Loves my Daughter. Somehow out of all the Children which go to her church, she ends up being the only child in lots of Group Church Pictures.

She started helping Lead in Pray in her Sunday School Class at the young age of just Three Years Old. And she became the Youngest Church Usher at the young age of just Four years old.

My Daughter had a little boyfriend who she liked in Preschool.

My Daughter’s Graduation Picture from her first year at Preschool.

In the Philippines, Children attend Two years of Preschool before they start the first grade.

Out of All the Children which attends my Daughter’s School, Only a few are chosen to have their Picture on the School Banners to help advertise the School. I am Very Proud of Her, that she was one of the Chosen Ones.

My Daughter Graduating from her second Year of Preschool.

If you like to Donate to Help David with his Medical Bills, then Please Click on the Next Box Below:

READ ABOUT OTHER WORKPLACE INJURIES from All Across the United States of America, by CLICKING BELOW: